It seems the ribs have healed--at least enough to no longer feel a daily reminder. The doctor has pushed and probed some still sore spots but it's minor. I'm a serious walker and this past Saturday, I walked 10 miles. Yesterday, I walked from 60th & Ellis Avenue to downtown Chicago, amassing another 10ish miles. The only post-walk problem I have is a minor ache in my back, which goes away with one little blue Aleve. The neck and collar bone is another matter. It smarts some and I now think I know why. Arm swing! The break has result in a rather noisy shoulder and neck area, lots of clicking and popping. It makes sense that swinging one's arms might cause some cackling and later soreness. But! It is far less problematic than even two weeks ago. So, I'm thinking this is all good news.

Weather permitting, I will be on my bicycle soon, which I think will be an good substitute test of how this old gray mare is really healing. I'm optimistic that it's just a lot of rust that I have to clear away from the bones and joints. I think some targeted yoga and weights should help smooth things out. So I'm on a mission to be in the best ride-fit shape by April 1. I haven't lifted any weights since the accident--except for the dinky 2lbs therapeutic weight used to promote mobility in the left collar bone and shoulder area. My return to using free weights for the whole body begins in earnest next week. I'm actually looking forward to lactic acid soreness from new exercise efforts.

For the most part, the bike is finished. I want it here now! Tuesday, February 10, 2009 was 62 degrees F in Chicago. Motorcyclists were everywhere! I envied them all and ended up with a case of self-induced whiplash. I'd hear that unmistakable sound and spin around, moving my neck faster than a still healing collar bone can tolerate. For reasons too complicated to mention here, I missed the CycleWorld Motorcycle show that was here this past weekend, an event I look forward to each year. It's always a nice mid-winter retreat to signal the coming riding season. Oh well...it will come again. Tuesday's glorious weather was the signal this year that riding season is around the corner.
My first trip of the season is to Fredericksburg, VA to retrieve Jesse Owens. Given that I have little to no time off work, this trip will be pretty straightforward--no time for touring. But the pleasure will be in the ride. The cost of shipping the bike ranges from $475 to around $900. The former is doable but i would never pay the latter. And, the only fun way, is to fly out and ride the bike back.

Thoughts of my reunion with that wonderful F800ST carries me through the days...