Panniers--a unique style:

I'm very impressed with Whitehorse Gear's Afrika Tank Panniers. They hang over the tank, leaving the gas cap exposed for easy access. The panniers are stylish and the bags appear ample enough to carry one's loot. Adjustable bungee cords allow the sides to be adhered to the bike's under belly. Two adjustable Velcro straps drape over the tank, which I assume means they might work on my SV. One only would need to keep the two pouches well-balanced when packing. This set-up sounds ideal. Not bad for $79.95
Big Mak AirBag Stealth SS, H3 Map Case
This is a clever system! The folks at BMA, who offer "unique" accessories for the BMW have come up with the answer to my tank bag woes. The Big Mak AirBag Stealth SS is one bag with an interesting optional companion bag. Before the bag is functional, a rack is bolted to the fuel filler cap. The bottom of the bag is then placed on this hinged mount, allowing one to flip up the tank bag when gas is needed. Imagine the amount of time saved in an Iron Butt, where time matters. The added bonus of this system is that one can attach to the Stealth, a separate and smaller bag, the H3 Map Case. This flatter, square bag is perfect for holding a map in its large clear pocket. This extra bag doesn't have a lot of depth (2.5 inches) but the top bag, The Stealth, is the real tank bag. With the two bags, a good height is created, which can help block the wind and serve as a tower to lean on if necessary. Take a look at BMA's system. The Stealth costs $179.90 and the H3 Map Case, $89.95 I'm open to other ideas.
Decisions, decisions.