For folks who had been on the road for 17 days, of sometimes challenging weather, they arrived looking fresh, relaxed and cucumber cool. I was totally impressed with both, especially V, who looked like she had just come off a cruise--totally relaxed. I know that being a pillion can be hard work. Chris said they had worked out the two-up riding issues, or something like that so that during their trip, they came learn each other's riding ways and found what works for them and that's, in part, what makes for an excellent journey. Many many years ago, I was pillion for a very brief time. I figured if it this much fun on the back, I would have a blast if I could get this guy out of my line of vision (just kidding, Dave). Let's just say it's best for everyone that I ride my own.
Chris and V entered my shoebox size apartment, unloaded their gear and we chatted. I admit I talked their ears off. If they had plans to rest before dinner, I squelched that! Conversation was easy and fun; I hope I didn't behave too much like a woman who had been held captive for a year. My husband and daughter were in Portugal at the time. I'd been pretty much alone for days.
Eventually, I let them get to dinner. I declined their generous invitation to join them because I wanted nothing to stand in the way of me tagging along with them the next as they made their way north to Wisconsin. That's right. I was planning to ride with them! I had been resting up for this for a couple of days and I wanted to go the distance. Kenosha bound! Perspective is relative, isn't it? What in the past would have been an early morning warm up ride was now a huge thing for me. I still struggle with fatigue and muscle/tissue craziness. But I was going with Chris and V if I had to ride as a second pillion on that SV650!
When they returned from dinner, we talked some more and I was very glad to hear that they enjoyed their meal at Chicago Diner. V had done her research well and picked a favorite here. Chicagoans are very serious about cuisine. If you come here, you can't leave without having a scrumptious meal or two. It's a city ordinance that every resident has vowed to enforce.
Chris and V preferred a leisurely start the next day, thus forcing me to contain my enthusiasm a bit. I woke up feeling ready but it would be my first longish outing since July when I ventured to Milwaukee BMW for service. It took me a few days to recuperate from that. Since then, my riding has been restricted to short, occasional rides to the doctor's office, my suburban home and to the apartment in the city. Not much fun but better than nothing.
I don't recall the time we left the apartment but I know the sky was a gorgeous blue with puffs of clouds here and there to create excellent photos. The temps were in the low 80s, if my memory is correct. I remember not caring about the details. I wanted only to get on the road and follow the lake and steal glances whenever the traffic allowed. The traffic was heavier than normal but not for this time of day. Our first stop was a short distance from downtown to get a good picture of Chicago's skyline we headed south a short distance on LSD.
The spot I thought would be good turned out to be already crowded with cars. We headed back north near the Museum Campus and parked at the Adler Planetarium. It's a spot I like to take people because it's just gorgeous--even when the weather is crapola, the pictures are always cool.
Chris took some great pics from the Adler location, which you can see on his blog, Everyday Riding or on his Flickr photostream. I don't recall him taking that many pictures but he was clearly busy shutter tripping and riding! I've never seen myself riding on LSD (aka Lake Shore Drive) until viewing his images. I loved them, mostly because the lake was always in view. Riding along LSD is one of my favorite outings. Early Sunday morning, as the sunrises, there are few places I love more. I know other places may be more beautiful but it's the familiarity and the fact that I grew up here and have had little or no desire to ever seriously live anywhere else.
We made it to Kenosha in no time, at least for me. I was ecstatic to be on two wheels! I discovered that there is one good thing about riding with someone else, especially if you haven't been riding for a time. You can follow the rider--assuming the person is a fine rider. Chris is definitely a fine, natural rider--I'm not just saying that. Out of five people I've ridden with before, Chris becomes the third with whom I will gladly ride again. Although he's been riding only a few years, you can tell right away that Chris is finely tuned to riding motorcycles, especially sporty types. I have a theory--or perhaps it's just my opinion--such riders have a certain look (it has nothing to do with age, either); they look a lot like long distance bicyclists, motorcycle racers and soccer players. They are fit, lean, and compact. When these types of two wheelers get on their steed, they melt into it, like it's a second skin; they don't ride on the bike, they ride with or in the bike. They just look like they're made for the bike--and there a group of them I know race the SV650. (Note: I'm not dismissing the value or talents of any other riders, I'm just pointing out an observation of a group of riders I've watched in the real and on TV. And I know that not all of them are fine riders).
Following good riding can rub off. Whenever I've ridden with an instructor, I would end the session riding differently, more confidently--no matter how finely tuned I thought I was when we started. This is why I like to start the season with an advanced course and end the season with a track day or some other advance experience. I still think back to this and this. This season will go down with zero classes. I remembered being tired at the end of a great class. But to start one already fatigued, no thank you.
On Chris and V's visit, I admit to feeling a tad rusty and a bit uptight about riding. This time last season I had already amassed thousands of miles on Jesse Owens. I am far from that. But hey, life happens.
As I watched Chris, I could feel myself loosening up and settling in. Riding is a lot like learning a new language. Practice makes improvement. It's also like riding a bicycle; you never completely forget how to ride but you can feel rust setting in after a long absence.
We took Sheridan Road (US Rt 41 North) much of the way. I enjoyed getting off the beaten path a few times. One place I always like stopping by is the Bahai Temple in Wilmette, IL.
If you look real close, you'll see Chris and V peering inside the temple windows (something to do with the witness protection program?--we had that in common too ;-)). Before we reached the Wisconsin Motorcycle Museum, we stopped in a parking lot and Chris took me up on my offer for him to ride Jesse Owens.
I never get to see my bike zipping by. I wanted his opinion of Jesse Owens and I really wanted to see my bike in motion. Chris spent a few minutes getting acquainted with Jesse, rode around in circles a few times, and off he went!
V and I prepared our cameras and waited for him to re-appear. He didn't disappoint. He zoomed by several times. He looked maaavalous!
My bike looked great--if I say so myself! Chris was dressed perfectly for it. His black and grey gear made him look like a slick BMW ad for the F800ST. It was pure excitement to see him flying by. I shared some pics with him, but many I have selfishly kept to myself. This was one of the highlights for me. We soon left the lot and headed to the museum only to find it CLOSED! Bummer!
We peeked in the windows and stood around talking. We were not the only people bummed by the closure as others drove up and sighed their disappointment.
We said our good-byes--me very reluctantly. (Chris, I hadn't forgotten my water bottle after all. I found it buried in my backpack). But I did want them to get to the HD Museum and on to Madison. I learned that they exercised a more leisurely option and hung around the lake before heading to Madison, WI.
I'd reached a milestone. Upon arriving in Kenosha I felt really strong. I had planned to stop at the Botanic Garden in IL on my way back but after having lunch I figured it best to head home. I did take a brief side trip to the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center. They had already closed for the day. I still felt pretty good but resisted the temptation to take any additional side trips. That's the challenge when I'm feeling good, I then try to resume my former life only to learn the next day that I've over done it. Life sure is a teacher! I headed home but took the long way 'round.
The test would come the following day. I woke up anticipating familiar pain. I felt none. Well, I felt a little bit but it was more annoying than anything. I waited until late morning. No increase. By late afternoon I had left on two wheels. I clocked in only about 70 miles but didn't feel much worse--and felt (mood wise) a whole lot better! My Minnesota visitors helped to jump start my riding, which coincided with me embarking on a path of feeling better more often. I had a blast riding with Chris and V, sort of like a mini refresher following him. It was a wonderful weekend meeting new/old friends, talking, riding, doing some healing too.
Chris and Vicki, thanks for stopping by!
Upcoming post: How I averted the jaws of death with a little help from some very cool firemen
The guy who owns the Wisconsin Motorcycle Museum hangs out at Full Moon in on US 41 in North Chicago on Sunday mornings and often rides one of his exotic rides. Last week he showed up on a Bimota Tesi.
Dear Sharon:
I read Chris's interpretation of the grea Chicago meeting, and you seem to be riding just fine. Never surrender. Never give up.
Fondest regards,
Jack • reep • Toad
Twisted Roads
Hi David, that is a very cool, sharp bike! I'd love to ride that one! Thanks for sharing. Nice to "see" you.
Hi Jack, Thanks for the kind vote of confidence. I don't know how to give up. I'm looking forward to reading what troubles you been up to or causing others but I still have a little pain I have to let heal. Reading you will surely delay the healing ;-). Then again you might be a good pill to take...
You only friend in Chicago, I'm sure.
Dear Buttercup:
I'm glad you managed to take a ride somewhere to feel the wind in your face, the freedom of the road and the twists and turns.
don't drag your pegs just yet.
Wet Coast Scootin
I've been wondering when you'd post! :) I'm really glad we could finally meet and am looking forward to our next ride together. Thanks for the kind words on my riding. It's something I take seriously, and I'm glad you noticed. :)
I can't believe I didn't see that sculpture on the lake when we were there. Nice shot!
Yea, BMW should hire me to ride around on their bikes! I'll start with the S1000RR. I don't think I'm cool enough to get near a K75. ;)
Glad you got to take a ride. Hang in there. Nice looking bike.
Hi Sharon,
I hope your health is improving and you can find some enjoyment still. All the best, and keep on riding.
So. Your blog template changed. You still around and hanging in there? Miss ya.
Irondad--thanks for noticing. Thank you for reaching out to me! Yes, I'm toying around with the blog style. Trying to hang in there for sure. I miss you and your space--sorry, I just couldn't bear reading about something I couldn't do any longer. Life gives us challenges and I took the time-- or perhaps-- time took me away to deal with some things. I'm looking forward to catching up with you and your moto tales.
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