I left the Chicago area around 5 a.m. (two hours later than I had planned). This, by the way, was a totally unplanned Saddle Sore. I started toying with the idea a day or so before I left. I arrived in Golden, Colorado around 1:45 a.m. The last two hours were very interesting. I was NEVER tired on this trip--I'll share my secret, which does not involve anything artificial and certainly NOTHING illegal. Hey, it doesn't even include coffee!
Covered 1,054 miles.
I plan to see a friend in Aurora, CO and then head to Nicodemus, KS, a historic rural town founded by African Americans. Hardley anyone lives there now but it is a national historic site. Then it's on to Topeka, KS, to view the national site of Brown vs the Board of Education at Topeka.
Stay tuned...
I'm waiting for your secret. I could only handle the SV650 for a couple of hours before I had to stop and walk around. The V-strom is much better, but I think I still need some highway pegs so I can move around a little.
bobskoot: wet coast scootin
Congrats, what a great way to get a second SS in. My envy continues.
I looked for a way to contact you on your blog, but alas it seems leaving a comment might be the only way...hope you don't mind!
Two people over on the message boards at About Motorcycles recommended I get in touch with you. I'm working on a research project on Bessie Stringfield and am trying to uncover some new or unique information about her. I was told you were a big Bessie fan and maybe you could be of some help.
I know you're on the road, but you can reach me via email whenever you get the chance:
I'll check back here again if you prefer to respond to my comment.
Enjoy the rest of your trip! Sounds incredible!
Congratulations on the achievement.
David Letterman once said that Kansas is something you go through on your way to Colorado. Hope you didn't feel that way or will feel that way when you go to Nicodemus and Topeka. I grew up in Topeka.
Seriously interested on more details of your ride.
Congrats on the iron butt. I'm still working up to it. First I need a bike that'll do 1000 without requiring me to change a clutch cable.
HI Bob, just got back last night--I took a leisurely route home and did some touring. I'm planning to write about it soon.
Hi Jeffry,
Thanks, much. The return trip was fun too. Hope the teaching is going well. I'll catch up with you soon.
No problem leaving a message here. Thank you.
I am a "fan" of Stringfield. In fact, I've done a couple of presentations on her and I'm writing a book about her. I have your email, I'll connect there soon.
Kansas? So many things I'd read about in history came alive while riding through Kansas. Tons of variable weather, lots of wind on US 24. I rode from Kanorado through St. Louis--what an experience--with much time in Hays, Hill City, Nicodemus, Salina, and Topeka. So much to say...David Letterman exaggerates and is more than a little hyperbolic!
Hi Jonathan,
Welcome! I hope you get that clutch situation resolved! As you know, the less you'll have to think about, the better the ride. It's a fun experiece.
Great, thanks!
I look forward to hearing from you!
Dear Sharon:
I sincerely hoped you dropped in on Charlie6 (Redlegs Rides) when you hit Colorado. He is a true epic rider in evey sense of the word -- and a BMW jockey at that. I was as proud of you accomplishing this ride as if I had done it myself. In truth, I did an ecclair-butt rie over Labor Day. (We all hve our limitations.)
Fondes regards,
Jack • Reep • Toad
Twisted Roads
Being a long distance rider myself, you have my deepest respect and admiration!
Hi Jack,
Thanks for your kind words. I did not connect with Redlegs Rides. I don't know him well enough to impose myself and this was done so last minute. I have a dear friend in Aurora, CO so this will not be my last trip. I spent less than 24 hours in CO.
Irondad, Thank you! I am working my way through developing excellent long distance riding skills. I'm thinking I should have done a Bun Burner rather than another SS but I learned some very valuable lessons on this ride that will help with the BB and future LD rides. Thanks again.
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