Monday, December 17

A Snowstorm to remember...

Snow plow out early
Originally uploaded by shrosa814

This is what I woke up to yesterday. It was absolutely magnificant! While I realize snowstorms can cause havoc too, I am reminded of how children experience snow. They embrace it with unconditional joy! I watched several news programs interview a slew of children. All of them were thrilled about the snow and used it to the fullest. Most of the adults interviewed, on the other hand, were peeved and full of complaints. Some even acted surprised that the snow dared appear, or that it dumped so much, yada, yada, yada. I'm not a stranger or unsympathetic to those feelings nor the adult concerns that bloat us. But snow, it isn't something we can do much about. Depending on where one lives, the snow is inevitable. It will come. We cannot control when or how much of the fluffy white stuff we'll get when it makes its appearance. I want to be a little child-like and enjoy it.

When I heard we were bracing for a snowstorm starting on Saturday and continuing through Sunday, I went out and tried to document it. The two day results are linked below.

Mother Nature, reminding us who is in charge.

December 15th snowstorm starts...

December 16th snowstorm in full bloom...


Bill said...

What is this "snow" you speak of?
Going to play 18 tomorrow and copy some of Tiger's swings.
Hope you have a splendid Christmas
Sharon. Thank you for the many lessons and your kindness.

Sojourner's Moto Tales said...

wrrvette, Haha...
Thanks for the Christmas wish--back at you! Now about those 18 holes and your wanna be Tiger golf swings tomorrow? Er, ...well, I better just wish you tons of fun. ;-) They say, Santa knows what we are thinking. And as my late father would say, "Life isn't always fair--DEAL WITH IT! Hey, enjoy and play a couple of holes for the rest of us! Stay well.

Crusty said...

Hey Sharon, Great pics! Boston looks about the same, however ours turned to sleet, then rain and back to snow. I happen to be talking to Brent over at sojourn chronicles about this event:
Thought i would run it by you for your future rides folder. Stay warm! & Happy Holidays! -Crusty